The Light of the Holy Spirit – an excerpt from Christian Meditation

 "The Mediating Word" form "Christian Meditation" Hans Urs von Balthasar.

An excerpt from the section entitled

“The Light of the Holy Spirit” from Christian Meditation by Hans Urs von Balthasar

Here the close parallel between Word and sacrament makes itself felt. It would be wrong to attribute the Spirit’s work of making present solely to the sacraments and not also to the Word of the Gospel (which as we have seen, embraces the Lord’s deeds, sufferings and Resurrection as well as his words). Origen very strongly emphasized this in interpreting the texts in which the prophet Ezekiel and the seer of the Apocalypse are commanded to eat the Word (in the form of a scroll). This Father of the Church knows that “the Word is the true food of the spirit”, and “what could be more nourishing for the soul than the Word?” “Just as material bread is assumed into the nourished body and is transformed into its substance, so too the ‘living bread come down from heaven’—God’s Word—is assumed into the spirit and soul and imparts its own strength to anyone who offers himself to receive his food.”

Balthasar, Hans Urs von. Christian Meditation. Ignatius Press. Kindle Edition.

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