Love Alone is Credible with Dr. Larry Chapp pt. 5 – “Balthasar: Beauty, Goodness, Truth” Podcast
With Dr. Larry Chapp Ph.D., we conclude our conversation by discussing the sections Love as Deed, Love as Form, and Love as the Light of the World.
Beauty, Goodness, Truth
With Dr. Larry Chapp Ph.D., we conclude our conversation by discussing the sections Love as Deed, Love as Form, and Love as the Light of the World.
With Dr. Larry Chapp Ph.D., we discuss the sections in Love Alone is Credible that cover Love Must Be Perceived, Love as Revelation, Love as Justification and Faith, and Love as Deed
With Dr. Larry Chapp Ph.D., we discuss Balthasar’s sections that cover The Cosmological Reduction, The Anthropological Reduction, and The Third Way of Love.
With Dr. Larry Chapp Ph.D., we discuss Balthasar’s expression of the Petrine and Marian dimensions of the Church and that Marian subjectivity is the superior principle that fosters a life of interior holiness. This is exemplified by the contemplatives who fuel the heartbeat of the Church. This leads to a discussion on the contribution of women in the theological heart of the Church. Adrienne von Speyr and the misrepresentation some critics place on her collaboration with Balthasar is addressed by Dr. Chapp. He highlights the importance of Sacred Scripture in all of Balthasar’s teachings.
With Dr. Larry Chapp Ph.D., we begin with a conversation on Hans Urs von Balthasar and his theological significance. While giving an overview of the book, the essential premise is discussed. What makes the towering figure of Christ self-authenticating, self-justifying is that it is the unsurpassable revelation of love in its essence and its core. The importance of mysticism to the contribution of theology is also addressed.
With Sr. Gill Goulding, C.J., Ph.D., we discuss one of the last books written by Hans Urs Von Balthasar on the theme of spiritual childhood. He puts forth his conviction that the central mystery of Christianity is our transformation from world-wise, self-sufficient “adults” into abiding children of the Father of Jesus by the grace of their Spirit.
The Moment of Christian Witness with Dr. Rodney Howsare Ph.D. – pt. 4 With Dr. Rodney Howsare, Ph.D., Moment of Christian Witness Balthasar Rodney Howsare Podcast Kris McGregor we continue our conversation on The Moment of Christian Witness. We discuss the Ernstfall as the form of Christian life, as well as the importance of discerning the sign of the times, the common good, and the sacrifice of the Cross. Any era the Christian lives in, when they go into the world, they …
The Moment of Christian Witness with Dr. Rodney Howsare Ph.D. – pt. 3
With Dr. Rodney Howsare, Ph.D., we continue our conversation on The Moment of Christian Witness. We explore in-depth section two of the book discussing various philosophical systems, such as those proposed by Kant and Marx, and their effect on the human person.
The Moment of Christian Witness with Dr. Rodney Howsare Ph.D. – pt. 2
With Dr. Rodney Howsare Ph.D., we continue with a conversation of Hans Urs von Balthasar’s The Moment of Christian Witness and the first section of the book entitled “The Decisive Moment.” Among other topics, the Christian sense of mission and the nature of Christian love are discussed.
With Dr. Rodney Howsare Ph.D., we begin with a conversation about Hans Urs von Balthasar and his analysis of the thought of Karl Rahner S.J. and those who followed after him. We then discuss the meaning of what Balthasar calls “the Decisive Moment.”