Love Alone is Credible

Love Alone is Credible with Dr. Larry Chapp pt. 2 – “Balthasar: Beauty, Goodness, Truth” Podcast

With Dr. Larry Chapp Ph.D., we discuss Balthasar’s expression of the Petrine and Marian dimensions of the Church and that Marian subjectivity is the superior principle that fosters a life of interior holiness.  This is exemplified by the contemplatives who fuel the heartbeat of the Church.  This leads to a discussion on the contribution of women in the theological heart of the Church.  Adrienne von Speyr and the misrepresentation some critics place on her collaboration with Balthasar is addressed by Dr. Chapp.  He highlights the importance of Sacred Scripture in all of Balthasar’s teachings.

Love Alone is Credible with Dr. Larry Chapp pt. 1 – “Balthasar: Beauty, Goodness, Truth” Podcast

With Dr. Larry Chapp Ph.D., we begin with a conversation on Hans Urs von Balthasar and his theological significance.  While giving an overview of the book, the essential premise is discussed.  What makes the towering figure of Christ self-authenticating, self-justifying is that it is the unsurpassable revelation of love in its essence and its core.  The importance of mysticism to the contribution of theology is also addressed.